Are Due Dates More Accurate With IVF?

Are Due Dates More Accurate With IVF?

If you did IVF, you may wonder if your due date is more accurate than it otherwise would have been. After all, you know exactly when the eggs were retrieved and when the embryo was transferred.

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Graduating from an RE to an OB for Prenatal Care

Graduating from an RE to an OB for Prenatal Care

This picture is a bit of an exaggeration — you won’t literally graduate when you move on from a fertility clinic to a regular ob/gyn for prenatal care. But lots of people in the fertility world refer to it as “graduating,” because that’s what it feels like…

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TTC Right After Your Wedding

TTC Right After Your Wedding

So you’re engaged — congrats! — and you know you want to TTC (try to conceive) right after the wedding. What can you do now to increase the chances you’ll be able to get pregnant quickly when you start “trying” several months or even a year in the future?

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